Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #10

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question: Has the widespread behavior of music piracy over the internet helped the industry or has it only hurt it?

Thesis statement: The music industry has been dramatically affected by internet piracy by loss of profits as well as the loss of their artists staying power. Due to the ease of acquiring music the internet offers the music market has subsequently become over saturated with copycat artists, amateur musicianship, and has lost any sense of originality. This homogenization has led to an even more fickle audience response.

RJA #10b: Argument

Internet piracy first helped the music industry by introducing music to a broader audience but eventually hurt the music industry as record sales dwindled.

The music industry adapted by churning out fast food music to sell as many records in a short time, given the fickle nature of its new audience.

This "dumbing down" of music has spawned a number of imitators as the art itself became easier and easier to produce. This has hurt sales as well.

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