Monday, November 9, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #12

RJA #12a: Progress Report

(1) what I've accomplished: I have written my formal outline (still needs work. will talk to you (Professor Clark) this week). I have several books checked out from the Auraria library although I need to go to the Denver Library as well. I have my introductory page done though I need to iron my thesis out. I do have my background info on the topic done though. I also have some visual aids saved on my computer that I'm pretty sure I am going to use. I have my questions typed up for when I do my FR interview.

(2) what you still need to do and when I'm going to do it: I still need to conduct my field research interview. I will most likely do this Friday afternoon over the phone unless his schedule changes. I need to meet with you (Professor Clark) regarding my thesis statement and paper organization. Hopefully we can do this during the lab on Thursday. Last but not least: I NEED TO FINISH MY PAPER! I'm going to start working on it again on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan– I'm going to start out by, of course, giving some background information on the topic: technology involved, dates involved, demographics involved, etc. Then I will present some of the problems (and benefits) associated with this issue, highlighting which ones I feel out weigh others. I might play a video at this point (or at the end...not sure on time). At this point I'll indicate my position and give supporting info that persuaded me over the course of the semester.

RJA #12c: Introduction Check–

Missy Lewis:


1 comment:

  1. Intro looks good to me, seems like it will turn out to be a pretty good paper. you seemed to follow the guideline well.
